Saturday, March 30, 2013

Church Responds to Same-Sex Marriage Votes

 I happen to think that no marriage should be "legalized," but this I definitely found helping:

"Before it accepted the invitation to join broad-based coalitions for the amendments, the Church knew that some of its members would choose not to support its position.   Voting choices by Latter-day Saints, like all other people, are influenced by their own unique experiences and circumstances.  As we move forward from the election, Church members need to be understanding and accepting of each other and work together for a better society."

¡Feliz Cumpleaños, César Chavez!

Martha Hughes Cannon

The church paid for Martha to go East to study to become a doctor. She bobbed her hair, wore boots and broke off an engagement--all three were almost unheard of, but nobody was really surprised--and she went off eventually to University of Michigan where she was part of a pilot program of "doubtful utility" allowing women to attend classes. However, the women in the classes had to sit in a separate room where the men could not see them. By the way, learning was considered by these male "doctors" to be injurious to the female reproductive organs. She later became the first woman doctor in Oregon, the first woman deputy sheriff in the United States, the first woman to be elected to a state senate--her husband was also on the ballot but she beat him out--as well as the first woman on a US senate ballot. Somewhere along the lines she fled the United States with her children so she wouldn't have to testify in court against her polygamist husband, but she later returned. "Somehow I know that women who stay home all the time have the most unpleasant homes there are. You give me a woman who thinks about something besides cook stoves and wash tubs and baby flannels, and I'll show you, nine times out of ten, a successful mother." Amen, Sister Martha! Someday, I'll marry someone that thinks like you.

Alma 32:23

And now, he imparteth his word by angels unto men, yea, not only men but women also. Now this is not all; little children do have words given unto them many times, which confound the wise and the learned.

Soon Link

As soon as the people that run clear my profile as 100% doctrinally correct and appropriate for the site, I will create a link to my profile there.


<> This was just too funny!

just a meme...