Friday, June 28, 2013

A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief

Yesterday was the anniversary of Joseph Smith's martyrdom at Carthage Jail.

To get a clue about how much Mormons love him, imagine how much Muslims love Muhammad or Jews love Moses. Now add into that the many fun, funny and loveable stories about who he was as a person, not just as a figure. There's always been a lot of flack fly around him. Some of it may be true. Most of it is just plain false. But it doesn't matter. We love him for who he was and the things that he set in motion. Yes, he was imperfect. Nobody but Jesus has been.

This was Brother Joseph's favorite hymn and was sung in the jail just before the mob showed up. Regardless of how you feel about him, at least his taste in music was beautiful.
  1. A poor, wayfaring Man of grief
    Hath often crossed me on my way,
    Who sued so humbly for relief
    That I could never answer nay.
    I had not pow'r to ask his name,
    Whereto he went, or whence he came;
    Yet there was something in his eye
    That won my love; I knew not why.
  2. Once, when my scanty meal was spread,
    He entered; not a word he spake,
    Just perishing for want of bread.
    I gave him all; he blessed it, brake,
    And ate, but gave me part again.
    Mine was an angel's portion then,
    For while I fed with eager haste,
    The crust was manna to my taste.
  3. I spied him where a fountain burst
    Clear from the rock; his strength was gone.
    The heedless water mocked his thirst;
    He heard it, saw it hurrying on.
    I ran and raised the suff'rer up;
    Thrice from the stream he drained my cup,
    Dipped and returned it running o'er;
    I drank and never thirsted more.
  4. 'Twas night; the floods were out; it blew
    A winter hurricane aloof.
    I heard his voice abroad and flew
    To bid him welcome to my roof.
    I warmed and clothed and cheered my guest
    And laid him on my couch to rest,
    Then made the earth my bed and seemed
    In Eden's garden while I dreamed.
  5. Stript, wounded, beaten nigh to death,
    I found him by the highway side.
    I roused his pulse, brought back his breath,
    Revived his spirit, and supplied
    Wine, oil, refreshment--he was healed.
    I had myself a wound concealed,
    But from that hour forgot the smart,
    And peace bound up my broken heart.
  6. In pris'n I saw him next, condemned
    To meet a traitor's doom at morn.
    The tide of lying tongues I stemmed,
    And honored him 'mid shame and scorn.
    My friendship's utmost zeal to try,
    He asked if I for him would die.
    The flesh was weak; my blood ran chill,
    But my free spirit cried, "I will!"
  7. Then in a moment to my view
    The stranger started from disguise.
    The tokens in his hands I knew;
    The Savior stood before mine eyes.
    He spake, and my poor name he named,
    "Of me thou hast not been ashamed.
    These deeds shall thy memorial be;
    Fear not, thou didst them unto me."

I intended to include a discussion of Brother Joseph's Presidential Platform, but that will have to follow.

Monday, June 24, 2013


A Political Cartoon by the same guy that does Mother Goose and Grimm, Mike Peters.

(This does not necessarily represent the ideals of the person supplying this blogpost in regards to abortion, welfare, Republicans or any other issue or party. It's funny, dang it.)

Friday, June 21, 2013

Mission Prepping

Read about some of Robert Kirby's mission experiences today in the Salt Lake Tribune.

I'm at the point where I really, really, really want to get out there. I truly, absolutely do not care where I go. I just want to go.

Going to the doctor to get a physical at some point. And--unless I break myself between now and then--my papers will go in the beginning of September.

This blog, by the way, will be my mission blog. Unless of course my mission president has something else in mind.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Boise Pride

We had Boise Pride Festival on Saturday. Mormons Building Bridges had a booth. I had to miss it for work, but I heard good things about it. Maybe next time!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Diversity Quote, Conference April 2013

But while the Atonement is meant to help us all become more like Christ, it is not meant to make us all the same. Sometimes we confuse differences in personality with sin. We can even make the mistake of thinking that because someone is different from us, it must mean they are not pleasing to God.

This line of thinking leads some to believe that the Church wants to create every member from a single mold—that each one should look, feel, think, and behave like every other. This would contradict the genius of God, who created every man different from his brother, every son different from his father. Even identical twins are not identical in their personalities and spiritual identities.

It also contradicts the intent and purpose of the Church of Jesus Christ, which acknowledges and protects the moral agency—with all its far-reaching consequences—of each and every one of God’s children. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are united in our testimony o
f the restored gospel and our commitment to keep God’s commandments. But we are diverse in our cultural, social, and political preferences.

The Church thrives when we take advantage of this diversity and encourage each other to develop and use our talents to lift and strengthen our fellow disciples.
-President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
The only thing I can add to this: "The [World] thrives when we take advantage of this diversity and encourage each other to develop and use our talents to lift and strengthen our fellow disciples."

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Scripture of the Day

 This is one of my favorite scriptures and will probably go on my missionary plaque. It's 1 Nephi 11:16-17.
And he said unto me: Knowest thou the condescension of God? And I said unto him: I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things.

Friday, June 14, 2013

It's Real!

This is awesome. (Source

reductio ad hitlerum

(also known as: argumentum ad Hitlerum, playing the Nazi card, Hitler Card)

Description: The attempt to make an argument analogous with Hitler or the Nazi party.  Hitler is probably the most universally despised figure in history, so any connection to Hitler, or his beliefs, can (erroneously) cause others to view the argument in a similar light.  However, this fallacy is becoming more well known, as is the fact that it is most often a desperate attempt to render the truth claim of the argument invalid out of lack of a good counter argument.

Logical Form:

Person 1 suggests that Y is true.
Hitler liked Y.
Therefore, Y is false.

Person 1 suggests that Y is true.
Person 1’s rhetoric sounds a bit like Hitler’s.
Therefore, Y is false.


The God of the Old Testament was big into religious cleansing.  Hitler was big into ethnic cleansing.  Therefore, God is like Hitler.

Explanation: There are far too many good arguments against the God of the Old Testament character to have to resort to playing the Hitler card.

Exception: When the Hitler reference cannot reasonably be avoided.

Mr. President, I can appreciate your desire to make some changes in the White House, but that new hand gesture you are proposing we use to show our allegiance to you, is way too much like the one Hitler used.  On a similar note, that Charlie Chaplin mustache doesn’t work on you.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


I would like to take this moment to say thank you to all that have been reading this blog, stateside and internationally. Thank you!

If you would like to discuss something you see here, please comment below or "like" Demormocrat on facebook. So far there's only 8 likes, including my own. I would like to have more discussion because that's why I started the blog. I would especially love it if we had some international perspective in the discussion.

Again, thank you!

Happy Birthday, Anne Frank

Yesterday was Anne Frank's birthday. She would be 84.

I'm so grateful that we have the Anne Frank Memorial in Boise down on the greenbelt. I can't tell you how many times I went there to be away from people and closer to humanity and how many wonderful, introspective experiences I had. Well, the world calls it "introspection" anyway. I call it coming closer to God. It truly is a wonderful place and very beautiful. If you haven't been there, I highly recommend it.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

McCain in Syria

There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity. I guess only history will be able to tell us about McCain's undercover trip to Syria, which one he was being. All I'm hearing from both sides is that he's an old codger and ought to retire.

It makes me wonder how different the country would be if McCain had been elected president five--or was it six?--years ago instead of Obama.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Society of Nudists or Burqa-wearers

Or what if we just didn't think of women--or anyone for that matter--as objects?

We should stop worrying about how we look so much. Of course we should make ourselves presentable to whatever situation. But when we are overly-concerned about what we look like, we become part of that mindset that appearance is paramount. We become a face and a body and less of a person. No, I phrased that wrong. "Humanity" is not measurable and you can't be less of a human. But the world can look at you like less of one. If we all stopped worrying then there wouldn't be nearly as much of the issue going on.

Honestly, nudism would be a great way to go. Everything's out there for everyone to see so we'd all have to be 100% honest and open about our bodies and sexuality. We wouldn't care as much about physical appearances and therefore would be much less likely--but not totally impossible--to objectify another person.

Or we could all wear burqas and niqabs, again with the intention to not be concerned about outward appearance.

Or we could just all do what we're doing now because nothing's going to actually change.

Comment from

I went on out of curiosity. Well, ostensibly for curiosity. It was really to get ammunition for this blog. I thought maybe I'd have to do some digging to find some really nasty, anti-something comment or article that I could jump on and expose here. Turns out it's not that hard.

This is a real comment from someone in Redwood City, California on an article about illegal immigrants and healthcare. It's also the most "liked" comment on the article.
America was founded by and for White people. Unfortunately, the jewish takeover of banks, and government changed this. After the 2nd Revolution, the US Constitution will be reinstalled and strichtly enforced. No illegals, No drug-dealers, No NAACP, No ADL, No ATF, No IRS and No marxist-communist politicians!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Bold Proposal for America

We are a country built on the idea that religious freedom is an integral part of true liberty. That's been the idea from the beginning. Therefore, I boldly propose--as so many others have done so in the years especially after 9/11--that we kick out the religions in America that are a threat to the American idea of religious freedom. There's one in particular that's been troublesome, threatening our way of life. Countless acts of wanton violence and intolerance born from an intrinsic belief that people that belong to any other religion are doomed for damnation and ought to be speeded along in that direction. After all, who are we to do anything but help God along? That was said tongue-in-cheek, but honestly that's what this religion teaches. I am of course referring to Christianity.

Let's begin with the beginnings of Christianity. It started as a poor-persons' sect of Judaism in what is now Israel. Its founder--Jesus "Christ" (hence the name "Christ"-ian)--was a progressive disestablishmentarianist--always wanted to use that word--and taught all people to love each other and walked everywhere he went. Well, except for that one time on a donkey. Christianity spread to places like Africa, the Mediterranean, the Caucasus and even to India through a highly effective network of brainwashing and coercing agents that we now call "missionaries." Eventually it became its own thing and was no longer a Jewish sect.

That's when things went wrong. The so-called "Christians" forgot the basic principle of loving other people. The European Christians especially have been a canker sore for the world. The Teutonic Knights and their tactics, the Knights Templar and their bearing the cross on the chest while crucifying heretics, the Crusades--invasion, pillaging and razing of Muslim, Jewish and Christian lands and systematic slaughter of Muslims (though--to be fair--the Islamic Turks did start it)--and burning at the stake anybody who declared that maybe the pope was not perfect, the rape of the whole continent of Africa for resources natural and later human, the Holocaust, the Conquistadors on the Americas and repeated attempts to "spread the light of Christ" to people obviously devoid of civilization by using strategies used against the original Christians, namely torture and death. What's more, they have the audacity to build churches and cathedrals on places of particular historical and victorious interest. Actually on top of those places, too. Not a block-and-a-half away and out of sight like the Mosque at Ground Zero.

Take a look at what Christian theologians have said. "As regards the individual nature, woman is defective and misbegotten, for the active power of the male seed tends to the production of a perfect likeness in the masculine sex; while the production of a woman comes from defect in the active power." That was Saint Thomas Aquinas. And unlike the Hadith that states that those who die in the name of Allah will receive 72 virgins--though similarly misogynistic, another word I've been itching to use lately--Aquinas's statement is well-sourced and widely accepted as truth. And that's just views of the religion on women. If I wrote about everything wrong with Christianity, there wouldn't be a Bible enough to contain it all.

Then things get interesting when American Christians get involved, as if a religion so blatantly intolerant could be considered "American" which is supposed to be a synonym of "tolerance." Slavery--Africans, Natives, Irish, Asians, Mexicans, basically everyone except "Nordic people"--and all its ugly offspring, the Salem witch trials, Indian Removal and the Trail of Tears, law-enforced sexism and racism, Mountain Meadows Massacre, cruel and all-too-usual beatings and--ironically--rapes of homosexuals and all those just begin the list. Well, maybe the Salem witch trials weren't that bad. We still use their logic today. But add up all the deaths from all The Klan alone ever did in the name of Christianity and you will find a pile of American bones higher than any stacked on American soil by any other religious organization.

I don't even have to talk about all that. I have three words: Westboro Baptist Church.
And these Christians are still here. How many thousands of crimes against humanity will it take for the American populace to realize this religion is destroying America? We need to get them out, declare a war on terrorism--a veritable crusade against the forces of evil. Countries known to be "Christian nations" like Italy, Ethiopia, Armenia and Mexico and especially Canada need to be treated with scrutiny and--if necessary--invaded. Political parties that support Christians--especially that dreaded Tea Party--need to be disbanded and their candidates voted out of office.

Some people might say that you can't judge the entire religion based on the actions and doctrines of a few individuals or even a few sects. But I say: yes, you can. That is entirely fair. The actions and doctrines of those individuals invariably represent the attitudes of the entire religion. That's just the way things are.

But it can't happen. There's no way to get them all out. They are too well-embedded in our system. Uprooting Christianity would be like uprooting an entire redwood forest. Even our incumbent president claims to be a Christian, though we all know better. His middle name is Hussein and was schooled for a time in Indonesia which together mean he is Muslim, his first name Barack which means he is Jewish, his last name is Obama and was born in Hawaii which both mean he is of indigenous religious persuasion and he is a Democrat which means he is an Atheist. It may be impossible to remove the Christians, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try. Unlike Muslim judges and law-makers who usually don't use Sharia while arbitrating American public affairs--though to be fair, bias is inevitable--Christians have been known to often use religion while doing so. Just look at the amount of people sworn into office with their hand on the Bible.

Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against Christ. It's His followers that bug me and need to be removed. This isn't hate-speech. I just respectfully don't want them here.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Funny Cartoon

Yeah, always found this interesting. Often the people that blast Obama for being "Muslim" are the same ones that think Mormons will all burn in hell for thinking that the Bible isn't perfect.

1000 Pageviews!

Woohoo! We made it to quadruple digits!

To celebrate, here's a reference to my favorite web comic, xkcd. I'm not sure I understand it though...oh well.