Friday, March 18, 2016

18 Marzo 2016

18 Marzo 2016
It's been a while since I've written. However, I don't think that means I'm going to write more.

A couple days ago I was in a wheelchair because I got part of my toenail taken out. They gave me two options in the hospital: 1, they take the nail out to the root and I'll be in bed a few days and probably not working a whole lot the next two weeks but it'll never grown into my skin again or 2, they take out just a part, it'll come back in about three months and I'll just be one day in bed and then back to work. I obviously went with option 1. I only have ten (now nine) weeks left, I don't want to spend two of them in bed. But I didn't stay in bed even one day. We just found a wheelchair and went with that. I was amazing how suddenly the world was nice to us. Normally these people don't even look at us twice. Suddenly they were all smiling and we got into a lot of houses. Elder Flores said it would be his turn the next day.

The Leadership Council went well. It was lots of fun, it was really spiritual, and a ton of zone leaders have said that they've seen a lot of success because of stuff they learned in the practices. So that's good. Actually sounds like a few investigators accepted baptismal dates because the zone leaders applied what they learned in the council.

We got some awesome news that I'm excited about, but I can't tell you all about it because I know that there are people within this mission that read the mission blog, so you'll just have to wait a little longer. But it has to do with my last transfer. And it's very exciting.

I was in divisiones all last week so I hadn't seen Sofía and Basilio and his wife, but basically it sounds like Sofía has a ton of questions and is ready to learn and she's going to give us a baptismal date tomorrow. Basilio has his date for the 9 of April, so please pray for it to work out!

We also found this AWESOME lady a few nights ago. What happened was this: We went and knocked a door of a reference but they weren't there. So we felt like we should knock the door in front so we crossed the street and knocked. Through the door we could see that the lady was on the couch watching TV and not doing anything. So then when she comes out and tries the same spiel that every does about "I'm busy, but I don't know when I won't be busy. Come back some other time, but I can't promise I'll be here," we know that she's lying. But in that moment we felt like we should ask her an inspired question. This is how the conversation goes:

Señora: "No, I'm busy getting ready for work tomorrow. Come back some other time."

Misionero: "Have you ever wondered what happens to us after we die?"

Señora: "Yes, I've wondered that a lot."

Misionero: "Have you ever gotten to a conclusion?"

Señora: "No."

Misionero: "Would you like to know?"

Señora: "Of course. My husband just died about three years ago."

Misionero: "Could we rob you about 10 or 15 minutes to tell you about it?"

Señora. "Come on in."

We sat down and it turns out that she's Catholic but that she's always wanted to try going to the Mormon Church. She's got a doctor's appointment in Monterrey this Sunday, but next week she should be able to go. She lives about three blocks from the church. She accepted the baptismal invitation and we left her a pamphlet of the Plan de Salvación. Her name is Cristina without an H. She's really a cool lady, too.

I went to Monclova this last week. It was kinda nice to be back. It's a strange place full of strange people, but it felt a little like going back home being there among the Monclovenses, as bizarre and loud as they are. There are really not a whole lot of redeemable qualities of that place, but we love it anyway. It kinda grows on you. Like a fungus. Just kidding, no, I did love it and it was nice to go back for a couple days.


With love to everyone!

Elder Taylor

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