Monday, May 2, 2016

2 Mayo 2016

2 Mayo 2016

What a week. Time is FLYING so fast.

This week, who went to church:

ZULEMA! She's our rockstar investigator who FINALLY went to church. She owns a little tiendita right by the church about two blocks away, so all the members already knew her. We had to help her into the ward mission leader's car (I felt like I was helping gramma again, especially since it was a Kia Spectra) and dump her walker in the back. Then we carted her the block and a half to the church. She LOVED it, even though after the three hours she looked really tired. Tired but happy.

Maybe it was a situation where you'd have to be there, but this is how it went: we were explaining the Book of Mormon and so I drew a basic map of the world on the little white board that we carry around with us, but because I drew it upside-down, America turned out looking a little like something...well...actually it turned out looking like nothing in particular. She gave me that look only a little old lady with a great sense of humor can give and I told her "Well, we'll use our imagination" and she said "Muy apenas" (which means "Very much just barely"). So we all laughed. But then later than night we went back to buy some milk for the next day, and every time that we buy from her, she tells us the price in English to show off her not-so-great English skills. This time she tells us the number and asks us if she got it right. So I tell her that, yep, sure did get it right and that next time we teach her, we'll teach her in just English. So then she says "I don't think so, my English skills is about as good as your drawing skills." We laugh and then leave again. The next time we're with her, we're teaching her about the Plan of Salvation. I tell her "before we were born, we lived with our Father in Heaven." She gives me a dangerous, challenging look. "Let's see you draw it." Well that put a hold on things. I get busy trying to please the client, but while I'm looking down, I hear her and my companion having communication. So I look up. She has a face on that's just too innocent. I look down again. Again, hushed communications. I look up. Too innocent. I look down again and I finish the drawing, in spite of the snickering that I'm hearing from them. Finally I look up to explain what I drew and I can tell she's not listening to a single word I'm saying. So I finally burst out: "Will you please cut it out, both of you!" And they just couldn't take it anymore and bust up laughing. It was funny. But then on Sunday when our ward mission leader was taking her to church and we were sitting behind them, she told him all about how we were sent her to this earth to learn how to be more like God and repent of our sins, and it was great.

ALONDRA! A seventeen year old girl that we're teaching. She reminds me a LOT of Katrina. She even kind of looks like her. She came to church and it turned out her best friend from middle school is a member of the ward and so they had fun. It was nice. This last week we told her to read Moroni 10 and 3 Nephi 11 (she loves reading: we've found her reading The Host by Stephanie Meyer). When we came back and asked her what she had learned from the reading, she said "the men were killing each other and cut each other up and gave the meat to the wives and children to eat." ....WHAT?! So then she showed us where is says it in Moroni 9. Obviously, without the historical context, that makes no sense. We asked her if she'd also read the assignment. She said no; she'd just opened the page where we left the bookmark and read the first thing that popped up. Good grief.

Juanito also came to church again! And we're in the newspaper with him!

We went to where he was working and found him and went to set an appointment with him. He was with his mom and another lady. We set the appointment and when we had our agendas out we noticed that the other lady was taking a picture of us. We thought it was weird, but not much about it. His mom later explained to us that she was a reporter, asking Juanito about himself because he was going to be featured in an article about Children's Day. They mentioned to her that he was taking "lessons" from the "mormon brothers," and we happened to walk up in that moment. Then on Sunday, an hermano from Frontera came up to us and told us that he saw us in the newspaper and that he was going to give us a copy.

I also just bumped into an Hermana that really liked me from Frontera and Dora's old Friendshipper. It was cool.
Well, I guess I'll see you lot on Sunday. 6 more days. I took my suit to the drycleaner and I'm going to go get my hair cut so I'm all pretty for when you see me on Sunday. And in two weeks after that...

I really liked a lot of scriptures from this week, but I can't think of any right now, and my hour and a half is already over. So...see you all later!

Elder Taylor

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