Wednesday, January 13, 2016

11 Enero 2016

Well, this week was fun. We went to Saltillo for Leadership Council again, probably the last Leadership Council of Elder Briggs, so it was nice to see him before he goes home. Looking around the Council, it was weird to think about: I'm one of the oldies now, and in ONE WEEK when we have transfers, I'm going to be one of the oldest zone leaders and the oldest missionary in the council. Elder Briggs, Elder Lopez, Elder Chable and Elder Resendiz are all going home this transfer or the next. Hermana Valerio y Hermana Murset the next one and then it's my turn. It's so weird.

Well, Karen decided to change her baptismal date. TO THIS SATURDAY! WOOH! So now we just have to find baptismal clothes...shoot.

Mayra and Carlos continue to not go to church. But we met with them I think it was Tuesday, and Mayra said that she's decided to be baptized. She's maybe just a little lazy getting out of bed on Sunday morning.

Ruben came to church! WOOH! Ruben is Ana Maria's husband, investigators from forever ago that kind of became like less active members for us. We weren't going to drop them because they kept asking us to go to their house and kept being interested, they were just too busy to progress. (Excuses, but oh well. It's because they still don't understand the gospel.) So now that Christmas and New Years are over, it's time for them to come back to church. AND GET BAPTIZED!

Gerardo said he was going to go to church and then didn't. It was a shame.

That family that we found that the dad is a member but inactive, well it turns out Jennifer (22) is SUPER interested and accepted the baptismal invitation, and turns out she's in basically the same situation as Karen, in that her mom is Catholic and her dad Mormon but inactive. He's always wanted them to go to church but the mom always said no, even though she and her sisters always wanted to get to know the mormon church. So now we're here teaching her, turns out her friends are LDS and she's SUPER cool and will get along with the JAS super well. (JAS is YSA).

Dora wrote me, she's almost going to complete a year of being a member. Her step-dad is reactivating, her mom is still interested as well as Martha, her dad went to Elder Gibb's farewell from Bellavista ward (Elder Gibb was one of the missionaries that found Dora and he's going home in a week, right now he's in Bellavista which shares the building with Frontera Ward.)

We've got one week left before the transfers. We managed to get the Bishop mad at us for baptizing too much. I'd say that's pretty successful. And I have a much stronger testimony about Jesus Christ and the Atonement, as well as every other doctrine of the church. That's also a success, I hope.

Elder Hernandez is actually surprising me how quickly he's learning English. Words I taught him this week: "Shotgun," "Dibs," and "Woosie." And another word that's not too nice.

Have a nice week, everybody!

Elder Taylor

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