Friday, January 29, 2016

29 Enero 2016 and Something I forgot...

29 Enero 2016
This week was really interesting and here's why:

Humbertina decided she doesn't want to listen anymore. Also Celia, the mom of an active sister, decided she doesn't want to listen anymore either. Basically, all the potential and progressing investigators that they had before I came decided to not want anything within a week of me coming. This actually has happened to me in ALL of my areas (except Frontera) and we have to start from scratch.


We went with a family of five that had been going to church a year ago but hadn't gotten baptized because the mom didn't want to give up on the Virgencita, even though apparently the dad is just about ready to jump in the water but he kinda wanted to do it with his wife. We were with the missionary whose dad passed away because he was on his way to the airport in Monterrey so he came with us for one day. We went to their house and the whole dang family was there and they are SO COOL! I'll teach anyone that'll sit still long enough to listen but it's so much more fun when they're goofy and fun.

But this time they were a little more sad than normal, because it turns out the mom's dad had a stroke and can't move and now she and her sister are the only ones taking care of him and basically it's a hard situation for everyone. We talked about how coming to Christ we get divine help and we can become clean of all our sins and how one day we will be able to have an eternal family. Then the Elder whose dad passed away bore the most intense testimony I've ever heard about all of that. For about three minutes after, nobody could speak. Then we invited them to be baptized the 13th of February. The dad (thinking that the wife wouldn't say yes) told us that they would think about it and would talk about it as a family. Then the mom said "I'm going to tell you something. When the missionaries were coming before, I was so sure about everything that we were doing in our life, that it was the truth. Now, I don't know. I'm going to read the Book of Mormon, I'm going to pray, and I'm going to do whatever it takes to discover the truth and accept it."


Then another interesting thing happened. I was on splits in Ramos Arizpe (I've been on splits twice already this week and we're going again tomorrow) and we went to a district meeting in the morning and the church was locked up because they changed the locks without bothering to let any missionary in any ward know. So there we were waiting outside when suddenly an ex-investigator from Frontera pops out of nowhere and says hi. I try and get his address and he says he doesn't know it, but he gives me his phone number. Later that day, I call Elder Ninataype to tell him about it and turns out HE AND ELDER DAINES (who also had been in Frontera) BUMPED INTO HIM AS WELL! And even crazier, HE LIVES JUST A FEW BLOCKS FROM THE CHURCH AND IN OUR AREA! WHAT?! Where does that sort of thing happen?

Those are basically the coolest things that happened this week. We also have a few other really good new investigators that are really exciting. So I hope to be able to have more news next week.

Que todos tengan una EXCELENTE semana!

Elder Taylor

Something I forgot...


investigators in Piedras Negras

Our trio. Elder Goeckeritz and Elder Hernandez and Elder Taylor. That's me.

Elder Hernandez and I in the Santa Claus cachuchas that you sent us.

The baptism of Karen. Her dad and her little sister....and Alejandra. 
Limhi. I would've LOVED for him to be my companion.

The snowstorm, even though the camera didn't capture the snowflakes very well...

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