Tuesday, January 26, 2016

22 Enero 2016

Saludos desde Saltillo!

It's weird being here. I feel like a new missionary again. I'm even seeing some of the same people I saw when I first got here, I can just understand them now.

The ward is interesting, too. Most of the active members are converts of less than 3 years. Also, President Rodriguez is in our ward, so it was interesting this morning when he asked us when we could go do visits with him to visit a recent convert because the bishop asked him to. It was also really interesting asking him for a reference as a normal member and when he gave the same excuses ALL the member give: "I don't know anybody, everybody works and is never at home, these people next door just moved in, so we don't know them." So we committed him to take us to go visit them one of these nights.

Other awkward moment: in a capacitation for the new missionaries and we go to put on a video that the assistants made a while ago of interviews of the highest-baptizing missionaries in the mission and some that are already at home. I was introducing it and explaining basically what it was when suddenly my face shows up on the screen because I was the first one on that segment of the video. Awkward moment.

I like working with Elder Ninataype. He's a great guy. I also like being in the offices. It's given me a different perspective of missionary work and missionaries. We get many phone calls in one day, and it's interesting seeing the difference in character of the different missionaries. One missionary calls to exclaim he's not going cooperate in anything because of an error in the office more than 6 months ago and the missionary whose fault it was has been home for a while. On the other hand, we hear from a missionary that his father has a week left to live but that he's going to continue working as hard as he can. And people wonder why the President has favorites.

The weather has been super nice here.

We have a lady who's going to be baptized in two weeks. Her name is Celia Favela and she's SUPER funny, basically the kind of old lady that all the young people like. We've got another lady whose name is Humbertina who reminds me a TON of Mayela from Frontera.

I also have heard about my converts. The Alvarez family is BACK IN CHURCH! WOOH! They're just in the Guayulera Ward. We'll go visit them one day. Mayela and her kids are doing fine, except Emilio, the baby, ate a whole thing of vaseline and got super bad diarrhea and lost a lot of weight. Lucy and Blanca keep going to church when they can. Supposedly Carlos Moreno is still going to church, but I haven't heard anything of Karen Sanchez. And the converts in Piedras are as I left them, I hope. And I'm going to write Gilberto a letter. Actually, I already wrote it. I just need to send it.

So yeah.

I hope everyone has a great week!

Elder Taylor

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