Thursday, January 7, 2016

3 Enero 2016

3 Enero 2016
YIKES! We're already in 2016!

This week I don't have a whole lot to report. We found a lot of new people in varying degrees of interest. We went back with one reference and out came an old lady named Maria Concepción whose husband had passed away just a month ago from a sudden heart attack. She let us in and we started teaching about the plan of salvation and how she could see her husband again by living by the principles of the góspel and we were about to invite to be baptized when in that very momento the door opened and a whole troop of grandchildren marched in and sat down. Well, the spiritual momento left, we were going to get late to the next appointment, so we just left pamphlets of the plan of salvation and committed them all to read it and to pray about it. We were just getting ready to leave when the dad of the family asked us what Ward we go to and if we were still attending church in the stake center. WHAT?! Turns out he was an active member up until the age of 18 years (right before he went on a misión) and went inactive. So it should be fun. It's a family of 5 kids from the ages of 9 to 22 and the mom seems pretty interested as well. I hope to have something more to report this next week.

This week everybody's coming back from vacation, so we hope to see a lot of the people that we had seen before Christmas.

We taught the Book of Mormon to Dulce and Ceydi and they LOVED it. She said she was going to tell her husband to ask for one in the states so he can read it.

We also taught baptism to Gerardo, an old man who was a reference and lives about one block away from the house and invited him to be baptized. Then we explained that to be able to receive a confirmation of this all and prepare himself to be baptized, he'd have to read the pamphlets and pray about it. His response: "Oh. I hadn't read the pamphlet before. But now I will." So that was fun.

Karen is determined to be baptized in February 5. It's exciting to see her enthusiasm for the góspel, even though it's sad to think that I'm not going to be here to see her get baptized. I hope I stay one more transfer, but I know that it's not very probable.

Mayte is struggling. Seems like she's not willing to leave behind her past life yet. Or she's got something holding her back that she hasn't told us yet.

Mayra Rocha and her husband had been progressing as well, but it's been a long time since they've gone to church and our appointments with them have been falling through. But we have an appointment with them tonight.

As well, Ana Maria is coming back from Guanajuato today! So we've got an appointment with her and now that the holiday travel season is over, she's going to have a WHOLE lot more time to go to church. Her work is in piñatas, selling clothes, a super small grocery store, haircuts and organizing tourist bus trips to the south, five jobs that require a TON of time, and especially in the holiday season. So now we hope to be seeing her and her daughter and her husband (and her son as well, but he's already told us many times he doesn't want anything to do with any church) in the church.

Updates from last week: Elder Hernández hasn't complained about his behind after sitting on the nail, so I guess he's fine. Alejandra has been reading Nicole's blog and has been LOVING it. I hear more about my sister's dating life than I do about the crappy mexican soap operas that everybody watches here.

I've been teaching Elder Hernández English. Words of the week: "Good grief." and "Sweet!"

Pues, que todos tengan una muy buena semana!

Elder Taylor

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