Tuesday, January 19, 2016

17 Enero 2015

Well, I'm just going to write really fast. My PDay has changed to Friday, so I won't be writing Mondays anymore, so I decided to write you all really quickly so you don't get worried when I don't write tomorrow. My new companion is Elder Ninataype, who was with me in the MTC. We are assistants.

Really quick about Piedras, we found a lot of people, but I'm obviously not going to be there to see them get baptized.

Karen got baptized! But I had to come to Saltillo that night so I didn't get to see her get confirmed. I read her Acts 8, the last few verses.

Yocelin got married! THAT came as a shock. But suddenly EVERYTHING made sense. Oh well. I hope she can be happy. Her husband is not a member and has made it very clear that he doesn't want to be, but with faith, all can happen. She's just not going to be a missionary anymore.

I had my first Sunday here, I like it, I like my new assignment, I'll give more details on my new PDay, Friday.

Thanks, Los quiero a todos!

Elder Taylor

....elder montero said hi :D 

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