Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Obama’s immigration plan matches LDS values

America is built on immigration. The church is built of largely immigrants. There wouldn't be hardly any of either without immigration. We believe that this country is founded to be a refuge for the oppressed peoples of the world. That last statement is true for both Mormons and Americans. At least that's what's been expressed in the official and doctrinal literature of both.

"[President Obama] just said in this value process we need to stand together and make sure the United States is still a place where people can come and, once they come, feel not at fear. And do it, of course, in a lawful way," Uchtdorf told The Salt Lake Tribune in a brief interview as he left the White House. "He was talking about his principles and what he said was totally in line with our values."

I'm pretty sure this isn't an official statement by the church, by the way. I think it's just on leader expressing his views.



  1. As you know my husband's family from Guatemala took years of saving money and going thru paperwork and government background checks to come here legally. They are tax-paying citizens. Today all being legal means is basically u were granted amnesty. Maybe the government just need to come up with a compromise and meet in the middle.

    On the other hand-
    "And may I remind you it does *NOT* say RSVP on the Statue of Liberty!" -Clueless :D
    hahahaha had to add that

  2. And I'm definitely glad that they did come. And yes, I agree we ought to meet in the middle. Very few people disagree that immigrants should come here legally. (Actually, Milton Friedman--a very well-known capitalist--is very pro allowing immigrants to stay and keep it illegal.) But the Obama plan for immigration just makes it easier for people to do so. This country is built on immigration and we thrive on immigrant labor. The plan doesn't say "Bring on the Criminals!" It says "Bring the people that want to be American citizens and we'll help them become citizens" because how it stands now is "Mexicans: stay out." This will be a post in the future, by the way, stating my opinions on immigration.
