Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Big Ten

The joke is that Clinton and the Pope (or a Mormon Bishop, depending on who you ask) had a meeting and discussed ten issues, of which they agreed about eight of them, conversely--and obviously--disagreeing about the other two. The issues were the Ten Commandments.

My view of the Ten is simple: Follow them.

Unfortunately, obviously they can be misconstrued and misunderstood. If they couldn't, then Islamo-Judeo-Christians--I added the "Islamo-" to emphasize the Ishmaelitish aspect of the Abrahamic religions--would probably not have all the internal debates that we have now about them. So this is my view on each of them, paraphrased and briefly explained. (This is the "bloggable" version: if you want to have more explanation you'll have to contact me individually. Some things are too sacred to be shared in such a public place.) Also, I'm not a hypocrite. I do try and live these, though sometimes--often--I fall short.

1. "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me," and 2. "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image" -- Don't let anything--real idols, obsessions, addictions, temptations or even good intentions--get in the way of your own personal relationship with God. This is why I pray and read my scriptures, why I go to a church at all. Because I believe in God.

3. "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain." -- God is holy. While it's important to have God in our every day lives, it's also important to not say His name so often that it becomes too commonplace. He should always stay holy in our minds and hearts. This is why I don't say certain things that I don't think I have to spell out.

4. "Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy." -- Sunday--or whatever day happens to be your Sabbath--is for interpersonal and intrapersonal communication. And no, it's not a day of rest. It's a day for doing the Lord's work, even more than you usually do. Make the Sabbath special. This is why I don't spend money or do anything really "fun" on Sunday.

5. "Honor thy father and thy mother." -- Honor--respect, revere--those people in your life who have helped make you who you are, especially your parents. If your parents don't deserve that honor, try to forgive them and try your best to be the person they weren't. I love my parents. I try to thank all those who have helped to shape who I am becoming by becoming that person.

6. "Thou shalt not kill." -- All life is precious and has the potential to do much good. Respect it in whatever form it is and never destroy it, whether physically killing someone or doing anything that would harm their spirit and maybe cause them to harm themself or others. But don't just "not kill;" build as well. This is why I try to be respectful and control my anger.

7. "Thou shalt not commit adultery." -- Every other person is a person and not an object for pleasure, derision, mistreatment or anything, regardless of gender, age or orientation. Never objectify anyone, even in your head. This is why I avoid saying somebody's "hot" or "sexy" because it connotes that they are a thing that pleases me. I say "beautiful" because it connotes someone to be respected.

8. "Thou shalt not steal," and 9. "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." -- Be honest and sincere with yourself, with other people and with God. Anything said or done with the intent to deceive for gain or escape of punishment is false witness and anything removed from another person--objects, ideas--for personal gain or gratification without consent and coercion is stealing. This is why I never lie and do as I say I will.

10. "Thou shalt not covet." -- Don't become too concerned about material things. To want something is good. To obsess over it is bad. This is why I try to not care too much about anything besides people, God, my future and who I'm becoming. This is maybe the easiest for me, by the way.

And finally the "big two" that Jesus lumped each of the others into.

1. "Love God." -- Know that you are a Child of God with divine potential and purpose. Don't let anything get in the way of your personal relationship with God.

2. "Love your neighbor." -- Know that every else is a Child of God and everything else is His Creations. Treat the world and the people in it accordingly. Love might be impossible at times, but respect is always possible.

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