Sunday, April 7, 2013

Stupid or Satirical Post

This was a comment I found in the NY Times on an article about the LDS Dems Convention.

"Well, at least if Romney wins one good thing is that he'd be the first non-Christian president in U.S. history - perhaps speeding the day when we have our first truly non-religious president. That, at least, would be progress."

First, the obvious answer is "Yes, we are Christians. And I'm exercising Christian restraint by refraining from calling you a twit." Second, we have had multiple non-Christian presidents. Jefferson and Madison at least were both Deists. Third, Obama is a Muslim. Oh wait, no he's not. Fourth, really? So in your mind a president needs to be non-religious to begin to resemble a good president? I hope you're being funny. I would vote for a non-religious President, I would vote for a Muslim. Heck, I'd vote for a Satanist or an Atheist if I thought he or she would be a good president. Religion or lack shouldn't matter, and you're permeating the problem of religious intolerance and legitimizing the people who refuse to vote for non-Christians by preaching that it should matter. Stop it, you twit! Shoot, I didn't mean to say that out loud.

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